Thai Permanent Residency UK Citizens
What is Permanent Residence?
Obtaining a Permanent Residence Permit also known as Residence Visa/Permanent Visa in Thailand involves a complicated procedure but, certainly, the advantages of successfully getting one suffice the effort, time and money spent in the arduous process.
Essentially, the Permanent Residence Permit will allow you to stay in Thailand permanently without the need for a Visa. Moreover, it is another step on the road to Citizenship, and a Thai Passport. Apart from these major benefits, the following are the accompanying privileges of having a Permanent Residence Permit in Thailand.
Permanent Residence Permit in Thailand is an opportunity that the Thai government offers to only 100 people of each nationality every year. The application usually takes place in December. The committee initially evaluates applications for about 5 months, and then calls successful applicants for interview. If you make it you will be awarded the PRP some time later. Generally, the whole process can take up to a year.
For your initial information and guidance, we will provide you an outline of the qualifications, requirements and the procedure in applying for a Permanent Residence Permit in Thailand side by side our legal services to ensure your successful application.
Do you Qualify?
Thailand Permanent Residency applicants must:
Permanent Residency : Process
A foreign national qualifies to apply for a residence permit if he or she has been permitted to stay in the Kingdom for a total of at least 3 years up until the date of application.
2. | <> > The opening date for applications in each year varies, depending on an announcement by the Minister of Interior. Once the announcement has been issued, applications may be submitted up to and including the last working day of the year. |
3. | <> > For details concerning the opening date for applications contact either Section 1, Immigration Division 1, Sub-Division 1, Immigration Bureau (room 301), Soi Suan Plu, Bangkok, Tel. 662 287-3117 or the Immigration Office of each region, depending on the location of you domicile in Thailand. |
4. | <> > An application should contain a detailed explanation of the true and exact reasons of why the applicant is requesting a residence permit. This is for the applicant's own benefit; as such information will assist the relevant officials to make a more rapid decision. In addition, a number of documents need to be included with each application, in accordance with the category under which the application is submitted: a) Business or employment purposes; b) Investment purposes; c) Experts or academics; d) To support a family (wife and children) who are Thai citizens; e) As a dependent of a husband or father who is a Thai citizen; f) Accompanying a husband who already has a residence permit; g) Retirement. |
5. | <> > Once the opening date for applications has been announced, applications can be submitted, together with the necessary documents, at Section 1, Sub-Division 1, Immigration Division 1, Immigration Bureau (Room 301), Soi Suan Plu, off South Sathorn road, Sathorn District, Bangkok, or at the Immigration Office for the region of Thailand in which the applicant is residing. |
6. | <> >The application fee is Baht 7,600 per person. |
7. | <> > The applicant must apply in person as the Immigration Bureau will require a set of fingerprints for the purpose of checking for criminal record |